" __On April 6, 1437, Yang Rong, a high-ranking scholar-official serving the emperor of China, invited eight important officials and dignitaries to his famous garden to view paintings and calligraphy, compose poetry, and play chess. One of these invited officials is seen above, brush in hand, poised to write a poem on the paper unrolled on the table before him. Two other guests admire a painting in the format of a hanging scroll. The servant on the left is readying another hanging scroll for viewing while two more hanging scrolls lie rolled up on the low table beside him. Yang Rong served at the court of five successive emperors, rising to the rank of grand secretary, the highest official position in the Ming dynasty court. "
_ Elegant Gathering in the Apricot Garden (detail), 1437
After Xie Huan . Handscroll; ink and color on silk.
After Xie Huan . Handscroll; ink and color on silk.
Metropolitan Museum, NYC. USA
_ on being a tiger
My stripes you want , my strength you crave.
You beg for my fierce temper . I'm master .
Who are you under the stars of the universe ?
Courage is born of my heart , it let's me leap
and strike . You want my shadow , my light .
I'm . Who are you ? "
_ Ishmael lilianthal 1948. ( On a trip to India. Nadhir . )