g r a i n e s d e l a p i n s . p h o t o g r a p h y . t h e q u i e t e y e . a r t . l i f e . f r i e n d l y . b o o k s .
Behind The Lens: Norman Rockwell's Photographers, A Mixed Picture

. . . a cross street lead . . .
___ cloud___cloud___cloud___
Sylvester and Co. at Home . . . amagansett, ny.

Featuring our favorite works of the year from Eric Buechel, Perry Burns, Elizabeth Dow, David Geiser, James Kennedy, Dennis Lawrence, Bijou LeTord, Jim Napierala, Matthew Satz, Lynda Sylvester and Gavin Zeigler. Join us for the opening reception on Saturday, November 28 from 5-7pm. The show will be on display from November 28-January 15.
Sylvester & Co. at Home is located in the heart of picturesque Amagansett Village, a short 5 minute drive from East Hampton on Route 27. usa.
photos: (c) 209 blt
"lance amstrong; le tour de france 2009
___ girl with the red hat ___
" trout "
___ faith in a seed ___

" Faith in a Seed: The Dispersion of Seeds and Other Late Natural History Writings." - Henry David Thoreau-
was written in 1860 after many tramps through the Concord woods. He went to the woods in Massachusetts
as a naturalist, rather than a writer or thinker; his purpose was to disprove the theory, popular at the time,
that plants and trees sprang spontaneously from the ground. . . "
___ rabbit seeds ___
. . . black & white . . .
. . . Thanksgiving & friends coming over . . .
. . . Valley Curtain,' Rifle, Colo., 1970-72. . . remembering Jeanne-Claude . . .
Thousands Turn Out to Honor Merce at Park Avenue Armory, NYC.
Photo: The Merce Cunningham memorial "Events" at the Park Avenue Armory in New York .
Credit: Stephanie Berger / Merce Cunningham Dance Company
. . . l'igloo . . .