
red self-portrait . . . blue shades . . .

" red self-portrait "

i like the blue best:
it does frame the portrait
, gives it
a little something

that surprised me while pulling out
the photograph from my iPhone. . .

infinitely red kitchen . . .

" red kitchen "
color work on pro-paper
ultra glossy

© 2012 bijou le tord

red venetian cat . .

( miss Prune cat drinking her milk . . . )
her favorite bowl
you know
cats  !

color photograph a pro-glossy paper

© 2012 bijou le tord


Chinese gardens at the metropolitan museum . . .

Chinese Gardens

Pavilions, Studios, Retreats

August 18, 2012–January 6, 2013

This exhibition explores the rich interactions between pictorial and garden arts in China across more than one thousand years. In the densely populated urban centers of China, enclosed gardens have long been an integral part of residential and palace architecture, serving as an extension of the living quarters. The preferred site for hosting literary gatherings, theatrical performances, and imaginary outings, gardens were often designed according to the same compositional principles used in painting; likewise, as idealized landscapes, they frequently drew inspiration from literary themes first envisioned by painters. Artists were called upon not only to design gardens but also, as gardens came to be identified with the tastes and personalities of their residents, to create idealized paintings of gardens that served as symbolic portraits reflective of the character of the owner.
This exhibition features more than sixty paintings as well as ceramics, carved bamboo, lacquerware, metalwork, textiles, and even several contemporary photographs, all drawn from the Metropolitan Museum's permanent collections, that illustrate how garden imagery has remained an abiding source of artistic inspiration and invention.

©2012 the metropolitan museum
http://www.metmuseum.org (thank you for beautiful exhibitions. . . when you're far away from NYC. . . how wonderful to type  in the museum website online and hop hop you're there. . . 


lego on moleskine . . .

" lego on moleskine . . . "
© 2012 lego

lulu in her garage . . .

" lulu in her garage "

color dependable . . . kodachrome 400
 © 2012  bijou le tord

buttermilk gets its due. . . NYT

"buttermilk gets its due "
the New York Times
Thu Sep 13 7:54 25

©2012 NYT


la plaine d' Eteize . . . Ardèche, France

" dans la plaine d' Eteize " ardèche, france. . .
(en fait Eteize est en bordure de la Loire, le sud de la Loire. . . 
tout près de St. julien Molin Molette) comme dans tous le pays 
les balades sont magnifiques. . . Eteize surplombe le lac du ternay . . .  
que l'on appelle couramment le point d'eau . . . pas si petit que ça
puisque des familles entières de beaux brochets, certains de 1 mètre
m'a juré un pêcheur. . .  sillonnent les eaux du lac . . . il y a aussi 
des large mouth black bass. . . rajoutées aux autres espèces. . . 
dont des carpes d'au moins 40 à 50 ans. . . impressionnantes! .

un jour d'été où la lumière brillait
fort, très fort. . . 
les vaches n' étaient rentrées je crois
mais trop loin pour les rattraper avec l'objectif. . .
pareil pour les moutons  

le paysage lui ne se promenait pas
je lui ai tourné autour.

2012 © bijou le tord