
___ rabbit seeds ___

"this Rabbit Seeds . . . he is a gardener ,
he plants little seeds, tills the earth, water seedlings, prunes & harvests
when the time comes . . . he harvests all he planted. "

It is a book for very young children. It is illustrated in pen and ink... just as the image above . . .

"When the ice and snow are gone, and the sun warms up the earth, a gardener begins his work. He takes out his wheel barrow, a spade, a rake, and a hoe, he tills his garden breaks up clumps of heavy soil, rakes away stones, and cleans out the winter mulch. He plans where to sow, each new crop, draws a tight string to guide his furrows and the tiny seeds. He labels carrots, lettuces, onions, and closes up the fragile rows. His sweet peas will climb a fence. His marigolds will keep away beetles. When the day cools, he waters his seeds. The sun and the earth begin their work. He patiently waits, and watches for a first ripple or a crack on the ground. He patiently sits, until the first seedlings shoot up. Young tomato plants need the open air, weeds grow fast, shadowing new sprouts. Baby lettuces push up, buds unfold, radishes need thinning. Early peas wear pink, carrots are tender, parsley is ready. he digs out tender new potatoes, and sets greens, sweet peppers, and peas in small crates. A melon feels heavy, when it is ripe. Cauliflowers and artichokes are for sale. When leaves turn yellow, just before the ground freezes, a gardener puts away his tools. His work is done. The sun and leaves will protect his garden all winter."

Text & illustrations: (c) 2009 bijou le tord
(c) 1984 bijou le tord
Four Winds Press, NYC.