g r a i n e s d e l a p i n s . p h o t o g r a p h y . t h e q u i e t e y e . a r t . l i f e . f r i e n d l y . b o o k s .
a centaur's dream . . . or the tale of a noble knight . . .
In King Athur's tale
it is said :
" greatness
is born
little . . . "
" knighthood
may not be granted
. . .
" draw your sword
and ask "
" a knight
I will make you . . . "
" be a good knight ,
I pray to God
that you may be . . .
" Sir, " said Merlin ,
" he will be . . . "
( as the story goes ,
Queen Guinevere
passed out . . . )
then Merlin said , " let everyone sit
and do not move ,
for now begins
an age of marvels , and
you will see
happenings... "
( snippets from
The Acts of King Arthur
and His Noble Knights///
-- John Steinbeck .
from the winchester manuscripts
of thomas mallory & other sources )
photographs bijou le tord///
Lance Amstrong on the tour de France
". . . . ce que je crois nous sommes
nos propres créateurs.
Nous sommes les fabricants
de nos vies futures.
Il faut se créer de nouveaux
projets, demander de
nouveaux projets à la vie.
Nos pensées sont créatrices.
Si l'on croit à un aillleurs,
il y aura un ailleurs.
Si on n'y croit pas,
rien n'adviendra. "
-juliette binoche / télérama
avril 2009?
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